Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Special Assignment #1

  1.  Did you know about WolframAlpha? No.
  2.  Did you know about Google SquaredNo.
  3. What percentage of China's population is the population of the United States? about 23.6%
  4. What percentage of India's population is the population of the United States? about 25.3%
  5. Now what do you think of the facts reported in Do You Know? They are already outdated in just a few years time.  
  6. Do you think WolframAlpha and Google Squared will be useful for you? for your students? Why or why not? Yes, they can be useful to me as a social studies major because it deals with comparing societies and their population.  They could be useful for my students so they can understand just exactly how big the world is and how quickly it continues to grow.

1 comment:

  1. Especially India and China. In fact, India is predicted to pass China within,50 years or so.
