Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Skype Interview Project #12

The sound quality did not turn out so great when the person I was interviewing spoke.  I did the best I could.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blog Assignment 9

What I've Learned This Year by Mr. McClung

        Mr. McClung discusses everything he learned his first year of teaching.  He begins by explaining how he was so concerned about how his superiors would judge his teaching that he forgot to realize the most important part     what the students were learning from his class.  I am glad he mentioned this.  It is definitely good advice for me.  I am very worried about how I will be perceived as a teacher especially since I have been getting graded all my life by my actions.  It will be hard to suddenly change that view and focus on my student's learning while balancing the reactions of my superiors.  However, that is what is going to have to happen.
        Mr. McClung then talks about how his "planned" lessons rarely ever went as he intended thus telling teachers that we need to be flexible with our lessons.  Once more, this hits home to me.  I do have many ideas and things planned for my future classroom and while I will not throw these plans aside, I really should not get my hopes too high because not all of them may work out.  Next, he explains that communication is the best way to solve problems and to never set outrageous expectations for students.  I agree with him.  Communication really is the best medicine.  Countless times when I am angry at someone about something and try to keep it bottled up, I become more irritable than if I had let it out in the first place.  When I finally do let it go because it is too much to keep in, I typically overdo it!  This only makes things worse.  So, I should keep this valuable tip with me and remember it for future times when I feel tempted to not share my opinion.
The Networked Teacher Chart
        He then tells readers to not be afraid of technology.  It is only there to help us.  This is true.  I am by no means afraid of technology.  I am up to date with the current gadgets and how to use them.  Where I do differ is that I do not think technology has to be used in the actual classroom in order to create a successful classroom atmosphere.  That is just my opinion!  Then, he urges teachers to listen to their students.  This is good advice not only because, like Mr. McClung said, you may be the only one who does, but because the students will respect you more and want to hear your lessons.  Mr. McClung ends his blog post with saying, "Never Stop Learning."  This was a great way to end the post.   If teachers teach they should also learn because students teach as well as learn.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog Assignment 8

This Is How We Dream by Richard Miller

        Richard Miller begins his lecture talking about how he had loved and had books growing up and decided that was what he wanted to have a profession in.  He eventually did write a book and it now sells for 59 cents on Amazon.  Miller explains how he believes we are in a time where communication is changing rapidly in a way that has never occurred and will never occur again.  "Virtual Libraries" allow anyone to "use" books but the supply of the books is never diminished.  We are now able to compose with not only text, but images, sounds, and videos.  It also never ages.  New information is being added constantly, but the traces of history and old information is still there.  You can do nearly anything, the limits are only ones that you place.  Miller makes the example of, without the internet, his lecture might not be publicly published for another two years, but with the internet, it can be public in a matter of hours.
        Towards the end of the video when Richard Miller was explaining how we needed change, I noticed a lot of video clips of SMART Boards.  I found this funny that a whole movie about everything we can do with technology would resort to showing clips of SMART Boards at the end!  I think there are better tools out there as I, and countless others, have discussed in past blog posts.  He next showed his idea of a "Green Building" that relied on solar power and eliminated the parking lot that originally surrounded the building.  However, I am a bit confused by this.  How will students get to class if such a building existed?  He took away the parking lot because it makes the building "greener" but that does not change the fact that students need some sort of transportation to and from class.  Maybe he meant for the students to be forced to use buses or possibly this was his interpretation if the classes were to become completely virtual.
        Regardless of the ending of this video that aggravated me a bit, Richard Miller made some very good points.  This virtual library of resources is endless.  There is so much we can do with it and it is a valuable tool to all students.  In the past I have emphasized how I do not want to be required to use technology in my classroom but I have also said that the internet is a wonderful creation.  While my opinion on this matter still has not changed, for students, the internet really should be at the top of the list for learning resources.

Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh

        Carly Pugh puts her post together in a very neat and creative way.  She calls for an assignment that would require students to create a playlist of at least 10 Youtube videos that meet the standards for the "fake" assignment.  She then explains how and why this would be a beneficial assignment.  She links inspirational videos that more deeply explain the reasons for this assignment.  One such video, Disability Means Possibility really got to me.  With videos like these, we really can expose children to everyone and show that we are all not so very different.  This fits Richard Miller's ideas by showing how we can learn through the internet about others.
        She ends her post with explaining how videos are a great way to interest all students.  Visuals keep us engaged.  I agree.  I absolutely love making video projects and always have since middle school which started with a very embarrassing 30 minute long video project simply entitled "Chapter 10."  I spent countless hours editing the video on Windows Movie Maker.  It helped me learn what better software was out there and how to make the video more creative.  It was difficult and challenging to make, but I still love rewatching it.  I hope I can one day interest my students in making videos like these.  I could show them the ones I created as a student.   Maybe I can give them resources to create these videos, like a costume catalog, green screens, props, and video equipment.  This is the kind of technology I want for my classroom.  Since I will be a history teacher, I can assign "Critical Moments in History" for the students to create as a video project in which they act out scenes from our most important historical moments.  This would be an assignment outside of the classroom, of course and I would not require them to upload these to the web, but simply bring them to class.  I believe the students would remember and understand history to a much greater extent if they see themselves and their friends as a part of history.

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 For Dummies by Poppy Bednorz

Still Image from
        Both of these videos shed some light on what it feels like to be an EDM 310 student.  There is no room for procrastination and EDM 310 can be very dismaying at times!  As far as videos I would like to participate in, I have always wanted to create a stop animation video.  The possibilities are endless with this technique!!  I am still unsure of what I could actually do to pertain this to EDM 310, but if anyone else is interested, let me know.  We could make a real world stop animation video, like this music video shows or create our own world like this video shows.  Another one of my favorites is this video which puts a new twist on making spaghetti!

Learn to Change, Change to Learn

        This video had many ideas that I agreed with and a few that I did not agree with.  All of these people are spot on when they say that the classroom needs to be more fun and interesting.  Students need more stimulation, ways to expand their creativity.  This can be done through the class atmosphere and assignments. The ideas that I did not agree with were how one lady said, "If I could remodel the classroom of today, I'm not sure it would be a brick and mortar classroom."  Maybe she meant for this to be that we do not always have to learn inside a building, which is true, but there still needs to be this physical building that students go to to learn.  It should be seen as a sanctuary, a place that gets them excited for learning.  Part of going to school, as Randy Pausch would say, is a "head fake."  It not only allows children to learn but it teaches them responsibility and promptness and appropriate behavior to exhibit to others.  Solely internet learning cannot teach this.  Only physical interaction can.  Another man said learning should not be all about facts, but having access to these facts. This is true, but there are some facts that everyone should need to know without looking it up online.  Suppose I asked someone, "Who was the first president of the United States?"  What if their reply was, "Hang on one second, let me look it up on my phone."  I do not think any of us wants this to happen.  Yes, the internet is good to learn how to access information, but there are some facts that people should store into their memory.
        Overall, this video made a very good argument for how schools should change.  It used statistics that were very convincing and an array of highly educated individuals to prove it's point.  However, we simply cannot change everything we have established educationally so far.  I think the solutions to our problems lie somewhere in between.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Short Movie Project #11

Quick Tip: You can reuse your paint thinner! After you have completed your oil painting, leave the dirty paint thinner sitting in the cup for a few days. When you come back, the paint pigment will have settled and stuck to the bottom and you will be able to see clear paint thinner on the top. You can then pour the clean paint thinner back into the bottle.

My PLN Post 1

My Personal Learning Network        So far my PLN is pretty simple.  I am trying to add more websites to the page but I definitely have the necessary ones now.  I linked my gmail and twitter account on Symbaloo and put all of my favorite websites on there.  Some of these include deviantART, National Geographic, and Modcloth.  The deviantART website helps me to stay connected to other artists.  Through this website, I can follow my favorite artists, comment on their artwork, and read their latest posts.  All the while, I can also display my own art in my gallery.  If you would like to check out some of my work, my deviantART ID is  The National Geographic website helps me stay updated on the latest archaeological discoveries and environmental issues (in between magazine issues).  Modcloth has my favorite type of clothing as well as a blog that also keeps me updated with the latest artists and fashion.  Lastly, I added Today's Big Thing as more of a "passing time" website.  This is a website that is updated every weekday with the latest internet videos.  I am always ahead of everyone when it comes to knowing about the latest internet videos because of this site!

Blog Assignment 7

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

        My initial thoughts when Mr. Pausch explained how he was dying from cancer were, how can he be so stable talking about his life?  He is so positive even though he knows he is going to die.  I know I would be tearing up every few minutes if I had to give that speech.  It really makes me admire Mr. Pausch all the more because of his high spirits.
        When Mr. Pausch was explaining his childhood dreams and whether or not he achieved each one, the advice one of his coach's gave him after Mr. Pausch had been worked really hard at practice one day stuck with me.  He said, "When you're screwing up and nobody's saying anything to you anymore, that means they gave up."  I have never thought of it that way, but it is very true.  The pushing of others is what keeps us going.  He also explained how when we let our children play on teams at school, it is not all about being great at the sport but about learning good sportsmanship, persevering, and working towards a goal.  Mr. Pausch calls this "head fake" learning.  "Head fake" learning is telling a story or having someone do an activity that they think is for fun, but really a lesson is learned from it all.  
        Later, Mr. Pausch described his dreams of being an Imagineer for Disney.  He was turned down the first time and he explained that, "brick walls are not there to hold us back but to show us how bad we want something."  Later, he got to live his dream when he got the chance to work on a virtual reality project for Disney.  
        When Mr. Pausch was trying to get sabbatical so he could go and do this project with Disney, he went to the Dean of the college he was currently working at and asked about it.  The Dean of his department basically got angry because he did not know about what Mr. Pausch was talking about and did not want to learn more about it.  Then he went to the Dean of Sponsored Research who also knew nothing about this sabbatical but had a positive attitude about the situation and asked to learn more.  This is a really good lesson to apply to life.  We do not know everything, but we should always be open to learning more instead of being close-minded.  When Mr. Pausch talked about the virtual reality class he created where students produced projects every two weeks, he explained how he was blown away by how good the first projects were.  Instead of telling them how amazing they were, he told them, "This is great, but I know you can do better."  Thus making them work even harder and pushing them to use the best of their abilities.  This is a good principle that I would like to apply in my classroom one day.
A quote by Randy Pausch
Above is a picture of a sign that is placed at the Mad Teacup Party Ride at 
Walt Disney World.  (As many times as I have been, I have never seen it, 
so I will have to look for it the next time I go.)
        Mr. Pausch ends his video by revealing the two "head fakes" of the lecture.  The lecture was not about achieving your childhood dreams or a lecture for his audience (though in my opinion it was).  It was about how to lead your life and to give Mr. Pausch's kids the story of their father's life.  I think that partly why Mr. Pausch was so at ease about his short time left on earth was that he had realized how much he had accomplished in such a short time.  He had developed his own class and the College of Entertainment Technology.  He had created computer programming software, helped build Disney Quest, changed the lives of his students, achieved all of his childhood dreams, and had a wife and kids.  Even though he passed away, I think his presence will always be felt.  All of the students he taught will remember him and continue his legacy.

C4T #2

The Thinking Stick by Jeff Utecht

        The first comment I left on Jeff Utecht's blog was on his post A Year in the Highschool.  This post described his whole year as a teacher in Thailand.  Straight off the bat, I found it interesting that he would teach in Thailand so I checked out his bio.  He has been an international educator in the Middle East and Asia for the past 9 years.  He seems to be a very inspiring guy and I asked him in my first comment how he got into a teaching position that allowed him to go internationally.  (Still no response yet though.)  His post described his successes and failures of the past school year as well as his future goals.  One interesting success he included was Pecha-Kucha Presentations that he had all his students make.  These were a new way to present things (rather than the boring slides with the audience taking notes).  The students were required to read a book, in this case it was To Kill a Mockingbird, and then select a differing topic in which to tie the book and topic together into a story.  They then presented this to the class.  This would certainly require more thinking on the children's part because they could not copy information directly from the internet.  They had to research it.
        The second comment I left on Jeff Utecht's blog was on his post Secondary Principals Support Mobile Learning.  This post gave some interesting statistics.

"Yet as mobile and social technologies become ubiquitous, attempts to block them are increasingly ineffective. For example, in schools that prohibit cell phones, 54% of students still report sending texts during the school day (Lenhart, 2010)."
Mr. Utecht used statistics such as this to give evidence to the opinion that technology should be used completely in the classroom since it is already being used by students secretly.  One person had commented on this post before me with a very good argument.  The person explained how this was not a good statistic to use because school should be about learning, not socializing (which is what the cellphones were being used for).  However,  I think the issue is not that cellphones should or should not be used.  In my comment I explained how we should really be concerned at what this statistic implies.  It means that students are not fully engaged in the classroom.  They are bored so they resort to texting (even if it is against the rules).  This is a problem with the style of teaching.  If the teaching could be more innovative, the kids would not even pull out their cellphones to text because they would be completely interested in what was being taught not what the troublemaker John did in Mrs. Smith's classroom during homeroom.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

TimeToast Timeline Instruction Project #9b

Blog Assignment 6

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

        This video explains how a "Networked Student" goes about researching through the internet using search engines like Google Scholar to find credible websites.  He contacts many famous scholars through the internet in a way that would not be possible face to face.
        I did not find this video very surprising because I feel like EDM 310 basically involves the same kind of work as this video explains.  The answer to, "Why does the networked student even need a teacher?" is that the teacher is more of a guide than a teacher.  She or he guides the students through "the learning experience" and is there to answer any questions the students may have.
        Am I prepared to be a teacher of networked students?  Yes, I do not see why I would have any trouble being this type of teacher though I do not want to be.  It is more personal when you are in the classroom with the students.  (And yes, I understand this model student in this video goes to class 3 days a week)

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)

        This young girl seems to have it all together.  She knows how to accurately navigate the internet and has useful tools to do so.  Since I have not yet completed my PLN, it is hard for me to compare her PLE to my PLN.  However, I suppose mine would be very similar.  My interests are the natural world and ancient civilizations.  I am sure I could contact many archaeologists, geographers, and geologists through email.
        I do not watch a tremendous amount of television but instead get interested in things through magazines and the radio.  I especially like the National Geographic magazine which always has intriguing articles.  If I find something especially interesting, I will go search about it on the web.  I recently noticed in an issue that National Geographic now makes a "virtual magazine" for the iPad.  One can read the articles then click on pictures and they will load into videos or give a 360 degree angle of whatever is pictured.  Pretty cool new way to view the National Geographic magazine.

Why Smartboards Are A Dumb Initiative by Michael Stanton, Why I Hate Interactive Whiteboards and Why Are We STILL Wasting Money On Whiteboards? by Bill Ferriter, and Switching Off The Interactive Whiteboard For Good by Kevin McLaughlin

A Smart Board        Each of these men makes very persuasive arguments with different approaches.  Michael Stanton sums up his essay in two main arguments which are, "It makes the regular whiteboard more expensive, but not better" and, "It's an easy way for administrators to spend money on technology."  Bill Ferriter uses his two posts to explain how whiteboards do not engage the students because they cannot all use it at once and the other to, very persuasively, explain how a principal he knows spent $18,000 on 6 Smartboards when he could have used that money to buy 75 netbooks or 87 iPod Touches or 360 Livescribe Pens, etc.  The last post by Kevin McLaughlin took it to the level of the students by asking them, "If we could spend money on new IWB's or something else, what would you pick?" nearly all said "something else" which ranged from netbooks to Nintendo DS systems.  All of these arguments make for a very strong case.
        On the other side, I found an argument for Smartboards with the best two arguments being as follows.  The first claim from Smartboards Could Revolutionize The Classroom says that studies had shown that Smartboards had reduced the cycle of failure.  95% of students at this high-risk school were now routinely accepted into college.  The other argument insists that, "they helped increase student engagement by letting the students get involved with the technology by going up and manipulating the board themselves."  This two are good arguments, but can't these same two points be argued for other less expensive tools as the group of men in the first four posts insisted?  To spend that kind of money on whiteboards still does not make any sense to me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

TimeToast Timeline Individual Project #9a

Isn't It My Opinion?

I am sorry to anyone if I have offended them with my views on using technology in the classroom and I never meant to make anyone angry.  I just see things a certain way that might be different from the way others see them.  I understand that others are just trying to help me see the situation from a different angle, and I do, but I have not changed my opinion because of that.  Every teacher is entitled to teach how they want to teach.  I have a certain way I want to teach.  My concern is, I keep getting criticized for my own opinion.  I thought the point of this blog was for me to voice my opinion but it seems like I keep getting hounded for that.  Am I wrong to be posting what I am thinking?  Feel free to comment and voice your own opinion on this matter!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blog Assignment 5

Eagles' Nest Radio and Class Blog

Roman Dressed Students
The Eagles' Nest Radio and Class Blog was very cute!  I listened to the one about ancient Rome.  I liked the picture that went along with the podcast.  Apparently the teacher let the kids dress up Roman style.  It looks like it was a lot of fun.  Watching this showed me how I can incorporate music into my podcast and possibly have a "host" who invites everyone to to talk and not just have "interviewees."

Langwitches by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

Silvia Tolisano was a former World Language teacher and in one of her posts she describes how important it is to speak clearly and correctly.  This is especially true through an audio podcast where the listener is focusing on every word the speaker says.

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom by Joe Dale

Joe Dale linked a video to his blog about the benefits of podcasting in the classroom.  This video featured Doug Saunders who appeared to be very knowledgeable on the subject.  He describes the benefits of podcasting from promoting creativity and innovation to an effective way to communicate with classmates outside the classroom (especially true for EDM 310).

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Sentence Video

Blog Assignment 4

Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? by Scott McLeod

        Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Educational Administration program at Iowa State University. He also is the Director of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE), the nation’s only academic center dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators, and was a co-creator of the wildly popular video, Did You Know? (Shift Happens).
(The above paragraph was copied and pasted from
        In my comment on Scott McLeod's post, I told him how it was a very persuasive style of writing and it does make a good point.  However, I saw a comment that someone else had left, saying, "Are we preparing students for the future if they are capable of reading and utilizing the web but can’t sit down and read a whole book? To be able to analyze what they are reading?"  I totally agree.  Professor Strange has emphasized how technology can help us to be more innovative in the classroom.  YES it can help if you know how to use the technology correctly and appropriately, but it does not HAVE to be there.  We have read articles in the past that explained how technology is totally useless unless the teacher knows how to utilize it.  This lady that I work with has a daughter who goes to Murphy High School and the girl said that every single one of her teachers has a Smartboard in the classroom, but only one teacher actually uses it on a day to day basis.  Why do schools waste money on this kind of stuff if their teachers don't even us it?  You might say, "the school should implement a seminar where these teachers will learn how to incorporate the Smartboards into their lessons each day."  YES teachers should always be learning new things, but maybe some of these teachers have developed lesson plans that are relying information to their students just fine without the use of Smartboards.  I feel like we are making a mountain out of a mole hill by constantly saying a classroom is no good without the latest technology.  Schools need to spend their money on getting better quality teachers, more choices of subjects for students to take, better field trips so kids can learn about the world, and maybe improvement of the school facilities.  Not on useless Smartboards.  I am very interested to see what a decade or two with Scott McLeod's technology driven classes will give to these future generations who will be emerging as the rulers of our world.  I am not so sure he should be so confident in himself but only time will tell.  I realize Scott McLeod has so many more credentials than me so one might think, "how can this 20 year old college student say he is wrong?"  I guess I am a reactionary in this case, because I can see how what we are doing now is working fine for the majority of our schools so I do not see why we should change it.  Let change happen on its own.  Jacey- Blaire Chandler commented on my Blog Assignment 3 saying, "You'd be surprised at how many people your age cannot use a computer effectively! You and I have both been blessed with access to advanced technology unlike a larger number of people than we realize!"  I have to disagree.  I think nearly any aspiring teacher going to a university in America has access to advanced technology and can use computers effectively.  If these students can afford to go to a university than they can most likely afford a computer, in fact South Alabama makes this one of their requirements.  I have not met one person yet who does not have one in college.  Even if it is a family computer used at home.  My point is, if my generation is technologically advanced as I claim, we will be perfectly fine "teaching technology" when we become teachers one day because that is what we were used to.  We need to stop making an issue out of nothing.  Lastly, I will continue to believe that even though we can be technologically advanced, we do not have to be in the classroom. 

The iSchool Initiative by a high school senior

        A 2009 high school student put together this video explaining how schools should start incorporating iPod Touches into the classes and eliminate physical textbooks, paper, and pencils thus making the classroom green and saving about $500 per student.  The idea of not having to buy graphing calculators and textbooks is a very pleasing thought.
        This is a good idea in theory, but we must remember the implications if something like this were to happen in every school.  An Apple Monopoly?  No basic skills for students such as learning how to write? I do not think I nor anyone else wants something like this to happen.  I think a better idea would be to incorporate the iPod Touch in some ways, like for use as a graphing calculator, classroom e-mail, and special assignments.

Apple Logo

You Can't Be My Teacher by Darren Cannell

        This video has a young boy asking questions to teachers such as, "Do you know how to use the internet?  Do you know what Twitter is? Do you know what Facebook is?  Do you think I am going to be ready?  Do you think you are preparing me for the world that I have to live in?" and ends with, "That's your job!" It is very effective and makes one think.  Should it be every teacher's job to teach their students about the internet?  Yeah, for a technology class.
        Teaching is not all about technology and our world is not all about technology.  There is much more to the planet than the internet.  Children the age of this kid need to be outside more, using their energy and exploring the world around them.  They do not need to spend their day in front of a computer because by the time they are adults, that is what they will be spending most of their time doing.  Creativity and imagination in children is much stronger after they have played outside.  Studies have shown that test scores improve after physical activity as well.  Information from this website. You are only a child once.

Jennifer Chambers' Blog and
Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir

        Jennifer Chambers posted a link to a video with Eric Whitacre and 185 other people.  Eric Whitacre acted as the conductor and the other 185 people were the singers.  When I first saw the video, I thought it was trying to suggest that Whitacre was conducting this to all of these people at once, at the same time, but then I thought that would not be possible considering some people's internet might have lagged so they may have started singing later than others.
        So, I looked up how he did it and really he only asked people to submit videos of them singing their parts, such as soprano, alto, tenor, and bass and then had someone compile all of the videos together to create this one group song with Eric Whitacre playing the role of the conductor.  It was very well done and the music was touching.  I will not deny that it is amazing what can be done through the internet and this was a very innovative idea.

Teaching in the 21st Century by Kevin Roberts

        This video contains many questions and shows both sides to the debate of whether or not teaching with technology is good or bad.  Kevin Roberts claims that teachers are no longer the source of information, but rather the filter of information because students can look up anything, anytime, anywhere.  He is right in this regard.  He further insists that the use of these tools is not entertainment, but engagement.  I agree that engagement is a problem with students today but is it good to use tools that students are used to using for entertainment?  I guess it could be, but I feel like we are giving in with thoughts of, "OK, if we can't get you to focus any other way, we'll use something that has done well with keeping you entertained."
        If the world becomes as propelled by technology as everyone says it will be for these future generations, should kids be bombarded by technology and the constant use of internet now? I just feel schools need to give them something a little different if their current entertainment and future is going to be all about technology.  Don't let your whole entire class consist of your students sitting behind a computer screen.  People need variety in their lives.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Project 5 - Google Presentation

Special Assignment #1

  1.  Did you know about WolframAlpha? No.
  2.  Did you know about Google SquaredNo.
  3. What percentage of China's population is the population of the United States? about 23.6%
  4. What percentage of India's population is the population of the United States? about 25.3%
  5. Now what do you think of the facts reported in Do You Know? They are already outdated in just a few years time.  
  6. Do you think WolframAlpha and Google Squared will be useful for you? for your students? Why or why not? Yes, they can be useful to me as a social studies major because it deals with comparing societies and their population.  They could be useful for my students so they can understand just exactly how big the world is and how quickly it continues to grow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

C4T #1

C4T Comment 1 on Jo Fothergill's Blog

        Jo Fothergill spoke about the Wellington Educamp in her latest post on her Blog .  She described the function as a fun event that consisted of many conversations.  She explained how she was amazed at how some students had great abilities in Scratch.  She was also inspired by one high school teacher's technique of making a blog about Shakespeare.  I left Jo Fothergill a comment asking her about what Scratch was and told her I was glad she had enjoyed the camp.  Jo Fothergill responded to my comment just a few hours later and told me that Scratch was, "a type of programming language that works a bit like lego blocks."  She also sent me a link to website that was all about Scratch.  Click here to go to the website she sent me.

C4T Comment 2 on Jo Fothergill's Blog

       The second comment I posted to Jo Fothergill's blog was on her post about "Life in Room 12."  She shared three videos in this post.  The first one was about Rohi the bird (a stuffed animal) who travels around New Zealand taking pictures with schoolchildren.  I thought this was a very clever, useful idea to get kids interested in other parts of their country.  They feel special when they take a picture with Rohi and then see him in an entirely different area of New Zealand.  An interesting idea might be to use this same idea, but make it at the global level.  What better way to get students interested in the world than this?  Jo Fothergill's second video showed all the technology devices in use around her classrooms, from iPod Touches to laptops it seems her classroom has access to loads of technology.  I was very glad to see her last video which showed her students reading books, drawing and creating art, having special guests in their classroom, and going outdoors.  It is not all about technology to her and I am glad for that.  My comment on Jo Fothergill's blog talked about her videos and how I enjoyed each of them and why (as I explained in the summary above).

Monday, June 6, 2011

Blog Assignment 3

A Vision of Students Today by Michael Wesch

        When I went to the University of Alabama my freshman year, I think this video was more the case.  Like the video said, many people would pay for classes and not even show up.  Others who came to class would bring their laptops to get on Facebook or the internet.  The classrooms at UA were just as big as in this video.  However, the classrooms at the University of South Alabama are much smaller and I have found that teachers are much more strict about computer use in their classrooms.  Therefore, at South, no this video is not completely what my college experience has been like.  I believe in nearly every class I have had at South, the teachers have made an effort to know my name.  About 92% of teachers at South have known me by name so far.  That percentage at the University of Alabama was much lower.
        I suppose this fact is something we should be concerned about, but I believe it is unavoidable at large state colleges like the University of Alabama and Kansas State University unless they were to hire a tremendous amount of more professors.  However, this would only cause student's tuition to rise even more.  There is no clear answer.  The choice is either to go to large college where a Ph.D. is required of professors and students remain mostly anonymous or go to a smaller college with easy-going professors who know your name.

It's Not About the Technology by Kelly Hines

        Kelly Hines is absolutely right.  Like I have said before, I do not think teachers should have to be technologically literate in the classroom.  Yes, they should be outside the classroom so they can know what their students are up to in the 21st century.  A teacher could be technologically literate in the classroom but be a horrible teacher! In fact, I have had just these kinds of teachers.  It is not about what technology you have, it is about the quality and creativity the teacher outputs.  Just because students "respond better" to technology in the classroom does not make it a better thing.  In my opinion, it just makes the students lazier.  School can be challenging and stressful and boring at times but I feel like by giving students computers and interactive games in order for them to learn is the easy way out.  For thousands of years philosophy and education has been based on plain text and lecturers and look where it has gotten us.
        Like Kelly Hines said, it is a wonderful thing if a good teacher has technology at their fingertips in the classroom but it could be a total waste of money if a bad teacher has this technology at their fingertips.  I am not saying we should become primitive and reject technology, I just do not think we should forget about the traditional way of doing things.

Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher? by Karl Fisch

        I believe Karl Fisch is being a little too extreme to claim that a teacher who is technologically illiterate today is comparable to a teacher who could not read and write 30 years ago.  I have had some very old teachers in college, one (which I had last Fall) who had been teaching at the University of South Alabama since the late 1970's.  From what I could tell by his teaching method and overall take on things, he was not technologically literate.  However, he knew vast amounts of information and had been to so many places.  He was an interesting teacher and just because he did not use technology, that did not make me less interested.  In the 21st century, I do not think I should condemn him for being "socially unacceptable" as a technologically illiterate man.  Yes, he is from a completely different generation, but that is OK.
        I can understand Fisch's argument for the problem with teachers being technologically illiterate and I believe this is definitely true for younger teachers.  We are growing up in an age where it will be "socially unacceptable" to be technologically illiterate, but we are not at that point yet.  However, I do not think there is any problem with my generation and upcoming generations when it comes to technology.  We have grown up with computers and know how to use them effectively.  Because of this, we will continue to use the latest technology because we grew up in a society that called for that.  By the time my generation is in the teaching field, I do not think there will be any problem with us "learning and adapting" to our students' new technology. We will be right there with them.
        Maybe I am biased in my opinion because I am a social studies major and this major focuses heavily on history.  I am fascinated with the old.  History and technology, it seems, are at opposite ends of the spectrum.  History tells how we got to the present and technology is the present.  History is old, technology is new.  It is important to me that students know where and how they came to be where they are, so I want to keep the traditional classroom all while being a tech-savvy teacher.  I can know what my students are talking about when they bring up technology but I can keep my classroom simple.  Maybe you do not think this is possible, but I do.

Two street signs reading past and present

Social Media Count by Gary Hayes

        It is amazing how much happens in just a few seconds.  The amount going on through Facebook alone is stunning.  Not only is the world's human population growing every second but the people of my generation do multiple things at a quicker pace.
        As a future teacher, I should realize how busy my student's lives will be, how much they will use the internet, and how used to multitasking they will be.  I find myself doing too much at once sometimes and I miss the simplicity of only worrying about one thing at a time.  I realize the real world will not be like this, but I want to make my classroom a place where time slows down and the students are required to focus on one thing at a time.  It should be a sanctuary where students can place their full attention on the subject at hand.  I will make it creative and interesting enough to capture their full, multitasking attention.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blog Assignment 2

Did You Know? by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod

        In this video, Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod emphasize the importance of technology.  It clearly impacts our lives, even if we do not realize it.  One fact said that if the amount of users on Myspace were to create a country, it would be the 5th largest in the world!  Another fact said that it took only 4 years for the internet to have a market audience of 50 million whereas it took radio 38 years.

        I think we should realize how quickly the world's human population is growing.  The earth will soon hold 7 billion people.  It is amazing, but also a reason for concern.  If the human population continues to multiply at this rate, will the earth be able to sustain us?  I guess that is part of the purpose of this video    to help us understand that technology will help us find answers to this important issue.

Mr. Winkle Wakes by Mathew Needleman

        Mr. Winkle Wakes compares how much life has changed in 100 years by taking the comical approach of putting an old man in the future.  He walks around a large city seeing and hearing things he had never encountered before.  The only thing that had not changed was the classroom and Mr. Winkle liked that.  Whether or not one thinks this a good thing is for each video watcher to decide.
        In my opinion, it is a good thing that the classroom has not changed very much.  Professor Strange would probably disagree with me, but I will always believe the traditional classroom should consist of a teacher lecturing to his or her students.  Yes, it might become dull or boring, but in the real world there are still  meetings between company bosses and employees, church services, weddings, funerals, and special events with speakers!  These events will not rely on technology so we must learn how to cope and be attentive when there is a lecturer (instead of pausing a video midway and taking a break to go get a snack or take a nap).  I do agree that educators should be more innovative and creative in their lectures, but computers are not required for this.  If we grow up in electronic classrooms that rely on technology to keep our students focused, what kind of future leaders will we be releasing into the world?  On another note, technology does not make a good teacher; instead, a teacher's knowledge makes a good teacher.  I had a professor just last year who never used the computer or technology, other than books, to create an amazing class experience.  There was never a time when I became bored with his lecture.  That is how a classroom should be.  I am afraid if we rely too much on technology, it will eventually be unnecessary to have teachers that are highly educated in a specific field.  The internet will become our teacher and there will be no control over what these "students" learn from their teacher.
        Do not get me wrong, I am highly supportive of the advancement of technology and am a regular internet user, but I am wary of how much the internet, computers, and video game consoles are taking over our lives.  One cannot deny the fact that the number of people who have heart disease and diabetes is growing rapidly.
Evolution of Man

The Importance of Creativity with Sir Ken Robinson

        Sir Ken Robinson stresses that education is important to everyone.  He claims it goes deep with everyone like religion or heritage.  He effectively takes a humorous spin on his persuasive speech in order to grasp the audience's attention.  Robinson claims creativity is as important as literacy in education.  What makes children so creative is that they are not afraid to be wrong.  As adults, we are very concerned about being seen as "wrong" so it affects our responses.  We lose our creativity because we get educated out of creativity.
        I especially agree with his statement that highly educated, brilliant students were taught that what they were good at was not worth anything.  Their talents were not what was best for a job.  This particular point reminds me of how much emphasis is placed on standardized test scores as the basis for getting into college.  I did relatively well on my ACT , but not as well as I would have liked only because the score limited me from getting a decent 4-year scholarship.  To me, this score was very artificial.  It did not determine what kind of grades I would make or how hard I would work to make good grades.  In fact, I have done way better than my ACT score "predicted." Yet, I know someone who made over a 30 on their ACT, got a full ride to the University of Alabama, and now does not even put out the effort they are capable of.  Further, I would have loved to pursue an art career and solely an art career but I decided otherwise because of how difficult and unreliable an art career was.  Instead, I am using my education degree as a "back-up" when my art career is not producing enough money to sustain me.
        Another concern of Robinson's was academic inflation. This consists of more and more students becoming more highly educated so that it is much more difficult to find jobs with merely a 4-year degree.  This is a difficult problem to solve, but I think Robinson's answer would be to educate students based on what they are good at.  Do not limit their creativity.  He explained that intelligence is diverse, dynamic, and distinct.  I think if we focus on these three portions of intelligence, we might become better educators who release a variety of unique people into the world.

Can U.S. Students Compete? with Cecelia Gault and Sir Ken Robinson

        In this video, Ken Robinson answers the questions of Cecelia Gault.  She asks about the three myths of creativity and I believe Ken Robinson is very right in all three.  He also says that people automatically think that creativity can only be in artistic type subjects like advertising, graphic art, and performing arts but this is not true.  There can be creativity in science and math or any subject.  I think I could make sure the Cecelia Gault's in my classroom had a good education by finding out what they were good at in particular.  Then I would try to focus on helping them become creative in this particular field by making them think outside the box.
        Robinson says that computers should be at the center of education now.  While I have made it clear that I do not think they should be the focus or purpose in the classroom, I will certainly encourage my students to use computers in the labs or at home to research and learn about subjects discussed in my class.

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts with Vicki Davis

        Vicki Davis explained how she believed that a paper and pencil classroom could help certain students succeed but not all of them.  She believes through her computer-based education, that every student is encouraged to succeed.
        What bothers me about this video is that I never really understood what subject this teacher was actually teaching.  Global communication? If this is this case, let students do this at home on their own time.  I am glad Davis is becoming innovative and trying to show students new ways of learning, this is what teachers should do, but I do not think this is the way.  People my age and younger already know how to use computers, so why should we teach children something they already know about?  The point of education is to learn new things in math and science, learn about our past and where we came from, learn how to write and read properly.  Yes this is the traditional way of doing things, but educators can be better today by learning where each of their students are excelling and using this knowledge to encourage the student to pursue this talent.  This way we will not allow our students to lose creativity.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blog Assignment 1

         I have lived in Mobile, Alabama my entire life, but I have spent many of those days traveling. My parents have always felt it was necessary to let their children experience the world. On top of our annual Walt Disney World vacations, we have taken trips to places such as Denali National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, Arches National Park, and the national park list goes on and on. We have also been to Mexico, Canada, France, Germany, and Austria. A goal on my bucket list is to travel to every continent in the world. I have an older brother (a mechanical engineer) and sister (a lawyer) who are very important to me. Unfortunately, I will be the one making the least amount of money, but I hope it will not always be that way because I intend to draw some kind of income from an art career. I wish I had all the time in the world to devote to my art, but it never seems that way. Balancing my time between family, friends, work, and school is difficult and any time that I have remaining I only want to utilize as sleep! This is why I am pursuing a teaching career. I will have a lot of time off in which to paint and draw. My dream was to be an archaeology professor because I absolutely love learning about how past cultures functioned through our discovery of artifacts, but I have heard they have very little time outside the lab so I have settled with teaching history to high school students (possibly college students down the road). Maybe one day I can go back to school and get my masters in anthropology.

          On a day to day basis, I enjoy driving my manual car, running, boating, wakeboarding, baking, and eating breakfast cereal (In fact, I am eating a bowl right now).  I am a sucker for romance, old movie classics like Casablanca and Singin' in the Rain, and the fashion of the 1890s-1950s.  Finally, I think you should know that I am a dog person and a PC person and that will never change. ;)

Above is the famous ending scene from Casablanca drawn by me.

           Overall, I mostly already knew everything that Randy Pausch talked about in his video.  He just explained things in a clever, persuasive way.  However, Pausch made a very good point in his video that I had not thought of before.  He explained how if we had never had a plan to begin with, we should automatically assume failure.  I will admit, I am bad at time management and many times I do not set a plan for myself because I do assume it will change too much for me to be able to stick to it.

         Time Management Exercises from Penn State University makes some useful points.  I know I should focus on monitoring my time and identifying time wasters.  When I do have a lot on my plate, I should do the hardest things first; however, it does not always turn out that way.  Maybe this class will help me improve in all of these areas.